Distribuidor Independiente Reliv

Ve cómo Reliv está transformando vidas

¡Conoce sobre Reliv, nuestros productos, nuestra exclusiva tecnología LunaRich® e inspírate con diversas historias de salud y éxito en el negocio! 


¿Por qué Reliv?

¿Por qué te decidiste por Reliv?

.Esta fue la pregunta que hicimos a nuestros clientes y distribuidores alrededor del mundo.  Ve sus inspiradoras historias.  (Inglés)
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Descubre Reliv

Descubre acerca de los deliciosos licuados de Reliv que son incomparables a cualquier otro suplemento que hayas tratado.

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Descubre Fit3

¡Ponte en forma, Siéntete en forma, Mantente en forma!  Fit3 es un Programa de Bienestar para tu salud física,  basada en 3 elementos: alimentación saludable, ejercicio y tus complementos Reliv.  ¡Únete a la comunidad Fit 3 y aprende a vivir más saludablemente!

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Cómo ganar dinero con Reliv

¡Ve cómo puedes ganar dinero con tu negocio Reliv basado en el hogar, dedicando medio tiempo o realizándolo de tiempo completo!

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Productos Reliv

Cómo comenzar con los Productos Reliv

Comienza con la Nutrición Esencial, y luego personaliza tu licuado con cualesquiera de nuestras Soluciones Específicas para alcanzar tus metas de salud.

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Nuevo Innergize! Go

Conoce sobre la innovadora combinación de ingredientes en la formulación del nuevo Innergize! Go, con Peter Griscom, experto en producto de Reliv

¿Quieres un impulso de energía saludable, continua y duradera?

Presentamos Innergize! Go, el primer producto en porciones individuales de Reliv, en la categoría de bebidas energéticas.  Energía, Hidratación y Quema Grasa 

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Cómo transforman vidas los productos de Cáñamo RLV

Aprende acerca de los productos que ayudan a tu cuerpo a restaurarse a sí mismo naturalmente, y escucha historias de vidas transformadas. 

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Epigenética Nutricional

¡Ve de Tú a SÚPER TÚ  con el súper nutriente epigenético, la lunasina!  La ciencia de vanguardia te ayuda a activar tus genes saludables e inhibir tus genes no saludables en la expresión corporal.  Esto se refleja en la salud de las células y la inmunidad, un envejecimiento saludable, protección antioxidante, protección cardiovascular y apoyo contra la inflamación posterior a la actividad física

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¿Cómo destaca la Nutrición Esencial de Reliv de la competencia?

Cuando hablamos de nutrición esencial en Reliv, pensamos en multivitamínicos, proteinas, antioxidantes y fito nutrientes que sean biodisponibles. Ve por qué Reliv supera a otros productos del mercado.

Historias de Salud

Cómo al perder 100 libras de peso mejoró la vida de este padre y su relación con su hijo

Tal como muchas personas, Dan no estaba contento con su peso o con su salud.  Todo eso cambió cuando encontró Fit3.  ¡Ve su increible trayectoria de reducción de peso y acondicionamiento físico!

Cómo vivo a mi máximo potencial con  Reliv Now®

¡Desde un nuevo nivel de energía hasta estilos de vida atléticos, verás cómo los famosos productos de  Nutrición Esencial de Reliv están transformando vidas! 

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Cómo ayuda Reliv a Personas Reales a Reducir Peso y Medidas y a Mantener sus Resultados

Ve cómo al incorporar sólo un licuado de Reliv al día siguiendo el Program Fit3 le ayudó a Mark a perder peso no deseado y mantenerse en forma! 

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How Core Nutrition Can Help Your Family Get Healthier

Why take dozens of vitamins when you can drink one delicious shake to keep you and your family healthy?

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How LunaRich® is Keeping Kids Healthy

Busy moms and dads love Reliv Now® for Kids because it has all the vitamins, minerals and micronutrients kids need to thrive. And kids just love the taste! 

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How Innergize® & 24K® Gave This Off-Road Race Driver An Edge

See why Richard uses Innergize and 24K to boost hydration and performance on race day.

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How SoySentials® is Helping Women Find Their Balance

See how Reliv's approach to women's health is transforming lives. 

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How Reliv is Helping Real People Lose Weight and Maintain Their Results

See how incorporating just one Reliv shake a day along with following the Fit3 program helped Mark lose the weight and keep it off! 

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How a Fit3 Team Reached Their Goals 

See how Team Epic is having fun and getting fit together with Reliv products and a fun, supportive community.

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How a Struggling Dad Lost Over 100 Pounds

Like so many people, Dan wasn't happy with his weight or his health. But all that changed when he found Fit3. Watch his incredible weight loss journey. 

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How Reliv Products Help Everyday People Improve Their  Health

Every day Reliv products are transforming lives. See a collection of some of our favorite health stories.

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The statements contained in this material have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The personal testimonials shared reflect individual experiences of Independent Reliv Distributors and are not necessarily typical of the results you may obtain. Reliv products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting Fit3 or any other fitness and nutritional program to determine if it is right for your needs. This is particularly true if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have any medical condition, or if you are taking any medication. Exercise is not without its risks and Fit3 or any other exercise program may result in injury.  Do not start the Fit3 fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately and consult your physician. This site offers health, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes in conjunction with the Fit3 program. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read on this site. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk. Developments in medical research may impact the health, fitness and nutritional advice that appear here. No assurance can be given that the advice contained in this site will always include the most recent findings or developments with respect to the particular material.

Historias de Negocio

How the Reliv Opportunity Helped a Dad Spend More Time with His Kids

Raul was a burned out oil executive ready to spend more time with his kids. See how a Reliv business changed everything.

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How a Reliv Business Gave Dave Time to Pursue His Passion

For Dave, staying active and playing racquetball was everything. See how owning a Reliv business gave him the time freedom to pursue his passion. 

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How Reliv Products Inspired Julie to Start a Business

Julie wasn't looking to start a business, but the health results she noticed from Reliv products inspired her to share it with others. 

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How Lie-Lie's Reliv Business Is Helping Her Help Others

After experiencing her own better health results on Reliv products, Lie-Lie was inspired to start her own business and help others like her.

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How the Reliv Business Opportunity is Giving People Time and Financial Freedom

Every day, people are making the smart decision to start their own home-based Reliv business. See a few of our favorite business success stories.

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As with any independent business, success as a Reliv Distributor requires a significant amount of hard work and dedication. The individuals featured in this material offer a glimpse into the lifestyle and economic benefits they are enjoying through the Reliv opportunity as a result of their own skills and personal effort. These stories are examples only and are not intended as averages or guarantees.

La Ciencia de Reliv

¿Por qué la Lunasina es Buena para Ti?

El Dr. Alfredo Galvez explica cómo es que la lunasina puede activar tus genes buenos e inactivar tus genes malos.

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¿Por qué funciona la lunasina?

El Dr. Alfredo Galvez, descubridor de la lunasina, comparte cómo la lunasina optimiza la expresión de los genes en cada una de tus células y sus correspondientes beneficios de salud

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¿Cómo funciona la lunasina?

El Dr. Alfredo Galvez comparte sobre la lunasina, el primer compuesto nutricional identificado y promueve que afecta la expresión de los genes y promueve una salud óptima a nivel epigenético.

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¿Por qué amamos los Suplementos de Soya?

Las isoflavonas de la Soya desarollan múltiples funciones, desde ayudar a la salud cardíaca como apoyar la pérdida de peso.  Descubre más sobre la seguridad de la soya.

Cómo Retribuimos

How Reliv Distributors Give Hope & Health to Needy Kids

The Reliv Kalogris Foundation recently asked some of the children what they wanted to be when they grew up. Check out their sweet answers, plus learn more about our foundation.

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See the Change Trip

Learn more about the life-changing work of the Reliv Kalogris Foundation and the opportunity to experience the programs in Haiti through the See the Change trip.
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